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be to do with / your guess is as good as mine / 갓주아tv

by 정돈된 하루 2022. 5. 17.




출처 : 갓주아tv



be to do with ~

= ~와 관련이 있다



1) Is that to do with the accident?

2) Everything is to do with relationships.

3) I have very little to do with this.

4) It has a lot to do with being, being an academic institution.

5) What to do with them?

6) What am I supposed to do with this?

7) I didn't want anything to do with it. 

8) Are you sure you are nothing to do with this?

9) it has nothing to do with me. 

10) I'm proud of that. Because that prize is to do with my effort. 






출처 : 갓주아tv



너의 추측은 내 추측만큼 뛰어나다[X]

직역으로 해석하면 안됨. 



Your guess is as good as mine

  d.      D        d  d   D.      d.   d

=  I don't know

= 나 역시 피차 모른다는 뜻



이런 내용들은 모르면 아예 해석이 안되는 구문이기 때문에 통째로 외우는 수밖에 없음. 





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